Stories, local and international, have written and defined history since the dawn of time.
Some stories though dive deep into mystery, created by unexplained sightings and events that to this day, still baffle us.
Through writing and art, let’s go explore! Welcome to Friends Of Folklore!
Laughing Others
Roars In The Night
Verdure Part 4: The Orange
Verdure Part 3: Cactus!

Verdure part 2 Juniper!
Verdure Special Part 1
Serval Mythos
Cumbres Toltec
Hotels! Of Course They Are Haunted!
Lake Forest And The Greater Chicago Area
Lovely Lavender
For The Night Is Dark…
Signs point to Grudges and a particular Blue Book


Unusual Pets

Strawberry Moons Forever


Coming Back To Haunt Us