Moai Movements
The Walking Heads
So a question keeps popping up about how the Moai heads moved from the only quarry on the island to platforms many leagues away.
Back when the Rapa Nui culture was strong, the nobility class kept secrets from the rest of the population. One of those secrets unfortunately was how they moved the heads.
The heads were all carved in one area. One theory suggests that in order to keep the secrets, the nobility would move the heads at night. Local farmers and travelers would see the heads in one location one day but the next day the heads would have moved on. Because the Rapa Nui people were very suspicious and superstitious, they believed that the heads came alive after they were completed and walked to the platforms themselves.
The Moai heads are said to be filled with mana, life force. Legends and ancient theories speak of this mana bringing the heads to life!
FUN FACT: Archaeologists starting in the 1800s have erected the statues. No Moai standing has been standing since originally placed on the platform!